PSY 328 Module Three Journal HP

Module 3 Journal

Emotional Intelligence

This Journal was a review of the results of the Big Five personality assessment

PSY 328 Module Three Activity HP

Module 3 Activity

Emotional Intelligence

This journal was a look at Introverts, Extroverts, and team dynamics

PSY 328 Module Four Journal HP

Module 4 Journal

Emotional Intelligence, Self Care, Ethics

This journal was a review of humanism and how to analyze it, apply it to society, and apply it to self

PSY 328 6-1 Journal HP

Module 6 Journal

Emotional Intelligence, Self Care

This journal was a reflection on flexibility in oneself and coping mechanisms with stress

PSY 328 6-2 Project One HP

Project One

Emotional Intelligence, Ethics

This project was a case study on a person of choice and applying two different personality theories to them

PSY 328 7-2 Project Two HP

Project Two

Emotional Intelligence, Self Care, Career

This project was in the format of a blogpost speaking to the results of the Big Five personality assesment and how those traits apply to work environments

*This is a personal favorite of mine because it opened my eyes to additional positive and negative ways I might show up in my own work environment currently. It was a good motivator to be what I want to see in those environments.*